Pet Care Emergency Authorization Form

Which practice would you like to register with?

The authorized agents listed on this form are authorized to make emergency veterinary medical decisions for the animal(s) described below in the event that I cannot be reached. Where applicable, I have also listed guidelines and limitations of care. Financial responsibility for the emergency care of the animal(s) listed below will be handled by the authorized representative.


I authorize the agent(s) listed on this form to make emergency veterinary medical decisions for the animal described below in the event that I cannot be reached. Where applicable, I have also listed guidelines and limitations of care.

I can be reached at this number at all times

Owner’s contact information in case of emergency (provide all forms of contact).

Other contacts (travel companions, etc. – name and contact information).


List all pets that this form applies to.


Authorized agents MUST be 18 years of age or older.

Euthanasia Instructions *
Note: If your agent is available, consent for treatments will be obtained from them. If they are not available, treatment decisions will be made by the veterinarian on the case.

Security Question *